Unity C# programmer, indie game developer, Head of Catthia Games

Hi there! Below you can find some of my projects from the past few years. Now I’m working in my spare time on upcoming title called “Cynthia: Hidden in the Moonshadow”. Feel free to check “About me” page where you can find more info about technologies used in my projects and day job.

April 2023
03.2020 -10.04.2023 (PC + 01.2024 – Xbox/Switch) – Emotional, 3rd-person, story-driven, adventure game focused on solving puzzles and using stealth…
April 2023
April 2021
04.2021 (Web) – Written in C# system based on Blazor library with EntityFramework. As a user we can take a…
April 2021
January 2018
2018 (Android) – Created in Unity simple prototype of platformer game.
January 2018
June 2016
09.2015-06.2016 (Android) – fully released in Google Play Store game created in Unity. Few downloads, zero marketing and failure. Later…
June 2016
June 2016
2016 (PC + Android) – prototype of game inspired by “Paper, Please”. As a player we need to validate tickets…
June 2016
January 2016
2016 (Android) – prototype of platformer game created in Unity.
January 2016
September 2015
2015 (Android) – One of the first prototype created in Unity. Created for learning purposes only when switching from C++…
September 2015
September 2014
2014 (PC + Android) – One of the first game/prototype created in C++ and SDL. Simple platformer where we need…
September 2014
September 2014
2013-2014 (PC + Android) – First long term project which collapsed pretty hard. Supposed to be a clone of Heroes…
September 2014
March 2014
2014 (Windows console application) – pathfinding algorithm written in C++ for final grade for IT lesson in high-school.
March 2014